Thursday, August 23, 2012

Green eyed monster

Robin's Kerhonkson Kook bootlicker has posted a really weird piece on his smoked bacon blog. He talks about some Kerhonkson or Accord person nobody has ever heard of being angry at Sue Cummings for Cummings' support of a possible casino in the area. Then he gets all bent out of shape because this person is applauding Terry Bernardo for supporting a casino.

From this weird piece he posted, the Kerhonkson Kook somehow thinks that this is bad leadership on Bernardo's part.

Excuse us, but we at Mocking Robin think that being able to turn an opponent of a project into an ally is a pretty decent sign of good leadership. Maybe the Kook is pissed off because he and his ditzy wife spent so many years trying to bully people into doing what they want and it never worked. Maybe the Kook is upset because he thinks he's smarter than everyone else and can't understand why things aren't working for him the way he thinks they should be.

Jealousy is an ugly thing. Especially when you're jealous of something like intelligence or talent, things in which you can never catch up to the other guy. Let's all pity the Kook.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Hein sight

Robin Yess has changed her tactics. Instead of fighting for smaller government she is backing county exec Mike Hein, a big government democrat.

Why, you ask?

Simple. Terry Bernardo and Mike Hein have been feuding and Robin is stupid enough to believe that the enemy of her enemy is her friend. Trouble is, Hein is a politician. He helps people who can bring him votes. That's the way the game works. This doesn't make him corrupt, it just makes him a politician.

Robin has no influence with anyone. She can't help Hein with anything. This game of hers will get her nothing.

This is just another sign that Robin Yess doesn't understand politics. And another sign that she doesn't believe in smaller government. Robin only believes in hurting the people who don't back her.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

We had no choice, we had to come back

For a little while it looked like Robin Yess and her dingbat brigade were going to stick mostly to real political issues. If that's all she did, we would have no issue with her and the dopes who swarm around her like moths around a flame. So we stayed quiet to see how things would develop.

But she has decided to go back to her hateful self.

She put up a nasty, offensive post about Richard Cahill which has no basis in reality.

We at Mocking Robin think it makes more sense to link to Cahill's response than to write one of our own.

We just have the same question we asked when Robin and the Kerhonkson Kook first started going after Cahill. What the hell is wrong with these stupid, stupid people? Why did they think it was a good idea to start going after Cahill in the first place? The guy is one of the best election lawyers in the Hudson Valley. He has more brains in one of his farts than Robin and her siamese twins from Kerhonkson do in their three bodies put together. And he never gives up. You make an enemy of Cahill and he will tear you apart. Just look at the post he wrote about the Kerhonkson Kook.

This is just one more sign that Robin Yess and the rest of her laughing academy shop class are truly dumb people.