Friday, July 6, 2012

Curses. Foiled again.

Now Robin Yess is showing how far she has to stretch to make a point. She is complaining that the County told her she has to wait 7-10 days for a response to a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request. And she's trying to make it out like it's some big anti-Robin conspiracy. Can we spell PARANOID?

Come on. Letters like that are standard responses. First, they have to find the thing being asked for and then the lawyers have to make sure that it is eligible for release under Freedom of Information. If it contains sensitive materials like employee personal information, it can't be released.

The thing she is asking for is an audio file. It's not something a lawyer can just skim through. He actually has to sit down and listen to the whole thing.

So just chill out and wait your turn. Impatience is for children. Oh wait. For a second we forgot this was Robin Yess we were talking about.


  1. ya'll shoulda seen Mikey Heiny at a Wake in NEw Paltz.

    He had to be "escorted" to the bereaved,, like he was a Scientologist needing protection,,
    He grew up in NP & still he looked like a deer in the headlights,, he just aint a real people person, is he ?? all that was missing was Barry's tele-prompter,,hahaha

    pathetic bunch of leaders on both sides these days,,

  2. Leaders? That is using the term loosely if you ask me.
