Saturday, July 7, 2012

Foiled Part Two

Yesterday, we reported that Robin Yess was trying to make hay out of the normal way FOIL requests are handled by the county. This morning, a comment appeared on Robin's website. It supposedly came from Walter Frey although a later commenter questioned that. Somebody will probably make fun of the typos because Robin's supporters don't understand that when people post from their phones, typos happen.

We think it probably did come from Frey. The comment had to be posted by someone who understands the way the process works.

A couple of us know him although some of us never met him. Those of us at Mocking Robin who do know him think the republicans and the independence party made a big mistake in not nominating him. He was no doubt a better choice than the one they made.

Those who don't know Frey have no opinion on the question.

What none of us can figure out is why someone like Frey would ever hook up with a basket of nutjobs like the Liberty Coalition. He is obviously way out of their league.

Frey's comment from Robin's website:

The audio files are not posted. Only a transcript of the meeting. Then the minutes are approved by commituutee before being posted….I would bet that the transcript are not done yet or approved. Vicky is doing her job so don’t shoot the messenger. Vicky has return to a office dysfunctionality. With the loss of the person that kept that office together and running professionaly Karen Binder, god rest her soul. Don’t except things to be the same for a long time.

Walter Frey

1 comment:

  1. Ya gotta love this Robin. She cannot ever live by the rules. Form letters after a request are commonplace. So what's the rush. Are all 4 members of the "Liberty Coalition" impatient? Are they just hanging on every word, from the "Godmother of Vitriol". Just a never ending complainer.
    On another issue, she complains that the RRA costs us $1.5M a year, and that government should get out of the business. But as usual, its shoot first, and then figure who you shot. The reason we have the subsidy, is because a previous Legislature, and a previous electorate did not want to site a LANDFILL in ULSTER COUNTY,( Hey Robin, check in with some of your tree hugging friends for a little history lesson) and as a consequence, we are forced to TRUCK our garbage to SYRACUSE!!!. So, without a local place to DUMP our garbage, public or private, we will pay thru the nose to get rid of our waste. Hey Robin, why don't you spend less time FOILING stuff and more time doing a little research before you unleash your poison pen???
