Sunday, June 10, 2012

Are They Your Friends?

In a new post, Robin Yess is upset that people accuse her of hating the Bernardos. We at Mocking Robin think the proof is in the pudding. Her website is built on an unending series of posts attacking the Bernardos and her bestest buddies run a website and now a blog which has the most sickening, hateful posts about Terry and Len Bernardo.

In a recent post her playmates put on both their site and their blog, they call Terry Bernardo and Jeremy Blaber weasels. Is that responsible politics? Is that the kind of childish trash Robin wants to be associated with?

If she wants to be taken seriously and not accused of hating people, maybe she should distance herself from people who do nothing but hate. Maybe she should do something constructive for a change instead of trying to tear people down.

1 comment:

  1. Constructive? Robin?... what are you smoking?
