Sunday, June 24, 2012

Robin Letterman's List of Top Ten Things To Blame on the Bernardos

Seeing as how Robin Yess has tried to blame anything and everything on Len and Terry Bernardo, we thought it might be fun to explore a few other things her silly brain probably thinks is Len and Terry's fault even if she doesn't say so out loud.

Here's the list in chronological order.

  1. The extinction of the dinosaurs
  2. Global warming
  3. The Loch Ness Monster
  4. The Kennedy assassination (that was Len in a Lee Harvey Oswald costume)
  5. Sightings of Elvis working in a gas station in Peoria
  6. Crop circles
  7. Dollar stores which sell everything for more than a dollar
  8. Reality TV's popularity
  9. Mainstream acceptance of tattoos and piercings
  10. Charlie Sheen's comeback
We are sure that there are many other things Robin believes are caused by the Bernardos, especially when she is sitting in a dark room listening to The Carpenters and James Taylor. But we think you get the picture.

1 comment:

  1. Legislator Wayne Harris is alittle pissed off and the Robin LIES. Robin sends out a letter to Legislators saying she spoke to Wayne and he is challenging Bernardo for Chair. First it's not true Harris said he never spoke to Robin and he thinks, secondly Bernardo is doing a good job. Robin can't help herself, someone find the Prozac. Robin run away with Dugar, Manuela will never notice she's looking for domockrasee. Look for more Lies coming tomorrow until forever. And leave the folks from Lloyd alone.
