Monday, June 18, 2012

Expert Opinion

Robin's latest attempt at becoming relevant is a post giving her opinion about the Kevin Cahill race. She talks about how disappointed she is that Kevin is probably going to be running unopposed this year. She complains that Peter Rooney is not running, something he has not made public but which she says she knows for sure.

Surprisingly, we at Mocking Robin are in agreement with the idea that Rooney should run again and force Kevin to at least defend his record. The problem we have is that Robin pretends to be some sort of expert.

She did run for the Assembly against Kevin Cahill 4 years ago. That's sort of a point in her favor. But she got beat like a drum. She got less than 30% of the vote and Kevin got over 60%. That's a 2 to 1 thrashing for anyone who's counting.

Robin also got a grand total of two large donations for her campaign. One was from the county republican committee, the committee led back then by the same Mario Catalano she complained about just 2 months ago. Robin said of Mario "If history is an indicator of future results, wouldn't a position on the “fund-spending” committee be more appropriate?" Kind of funny that she was fine with Mario spending 5 grand on her campaign but not when he spent it on other political purposes.

The other big donation was from some guy in NJ. Every other donation was a few hundred dollars tops.

There also wasn't alot of fundraising done when she was republican chairwoman.

So isn't it a little like the pot calling the kettle black for Robin Yess to give out opinions on who should run against Kevin Cahill or who should be doing fundraising for the republican party?

Think about it. Republicans complain that we have a president who had no record of success before he became president. Now we're supposed to listen to the opinions of someone who also had no record of political success?

We at Mocking Robin think this is pretty ridiculous.


  1. Now Robin is attacking Rich Cahill. I have no idea why she is taking him on.

    I saw Rich's response and laughed my ass off. He ripped her up.

  2. Yeah he did. Good for him. He's the last guy anyone should want mad at them. This Liberty Coalition is nothing but one dumb move after another.
